May 31, 2013, 2:48pm HST Updated: May 31, 2013, 6:43pm HST
Mark Abramson | Reporter- Pacific Business News
The Honolulu Club will reopen at 5 a.m. Saturday, after the fitness center’s owners — Hawaii developer Richard Gushman and Douglas Emmett Inc. — spent about $3 million on a remodel and new equipment.

The work included redoing the locker rooms, remodeling the bar areas and replacing all of the exercise equipment. Gushman and California-based Douglas Emmett Inc. (NYSE: DEI), which bought the Honolulu Club building in 2008, took over the club when its former owner, Meridien Sports Clubs California LLC, went bankrupt.
It took about 16 days to do the work with crews working around the clock, Gushman said.
Initially Gushman and Emmett Inc., who own the building under the name HNLC Inc. hired HNL Inc., a group led by former NFL Pro Bowler and Super Bowl Champion Sam Adams, to operate the Honolulu Club. But now HNLC will run it, Gushman said.
Honolulu Builders was the primary contractor on the project.
Gushman wouldn’t say how many members the club has or how much the membership fees are, but he said that membership rates won’t be raised to cover the costs of the work. And some work will continue to be done around the pool areas, lounge and bars for the next month.
“It’s a really high-end fitness environment,” Gushman said. “I think our members will really be excited and surprised,”