Building boom begins to slow down

Duane Shimogawa Reporter – Pacific Business News With 4,386 residential units under construction, permitted or pending approval in Kakaako, the state agency overseeing the redevelopment of Honolulu’s so-called Third City is noticing a slowdown in the current condominium boom. “You can already tell the market is slowing down,” said Hawaii Community Development Authority spokeswoman […]
Where You Live: Kaka’ako – KITV News

Kaka’ako has always been about change HONOLULU —Kaka’ako is bounded by Ward Avenue, Punchbowl Street, King Street and the waterfront. Kaka’ako is on the verge of change, but if you look back over the centuries, it has always been about change. In the mid-1800s, salt production was a big business. It’s a past that surprised […]