Hawaii agency rejects plans to develop key Kewalo Basin Harbor lot

The Hawaii Community Development Authority rejected Wednesday two developers’ plans to develop a key portion of the lands surrounding Kewalo Basin Harbor in the Honolulu neighborhood of Kakaako, but approved The Howard Hughes Corp.’s plans for the two other lots. John Whalen, chairman of the HCDA board, said that the lot that both developers had […]
Hawaii agency delays decision on redevelopment of Kewalo Basin Harbor lands

The Hawaii Community Development Authority has delayed making a decision on two separate proposals from two developers on renovations to the lands surrounding Kewalo Basin Harbor in the Honolulu neighborhood of Kakaako. At its regular meeting on Wednesday, which lasted until nearly 6 p.m., the state agency that regulates development in the area heard once […]
Howard Hughes, Japanese developers to present plans for Honolulu’s Kewalo Basin Harbor next week

The Howard Hughes Corp. and Kewalo Waterfront Partners Inc., a partnership between two Japanese firms, are expected to unveil two separate commercial development plans next week for the land surrounding Honolulu’s Kewalo Basin Harbor, an executive with the Hawaii Community Development Authority confirmed to PBN. The state agency overseeing development in the Kakaako area, as […]
Kewalo Basin Harbor Honoring Its Past, Looking Towards the Future

Looking Forward February – Gateway Approved

Dreams are merely plans, blueprints, aspirations until that moment when they receive validation. Even the best-made plans can be waylaid by things large and small. But on November 25, 2014 Ward Village got the confirmation that its second-phase plans for its state-of-the-art master-planned neighborhood will become a reality. On this day, the Gateway proposal, which […]
Honolulu’s Kewalo Basin Harbor revamp could include fresh fish restaurant, developer says

The Howard Hughes Corp.’s redevelopment of Honolulu’s Kewalo Basin Harbor could include a restaurant that serves fresh fish caught from the commercial boats based at the harbor, an executive from the Texas-based developer told PBN. Other ideas presented at a community meeting last week included developing an oceanfront community center on the makai, or ocean, […]