801 South St provides affordable housing in urban Honolulu to individuals and families. The unit prices at 801 South St range from $253,200 to $501,300. Owner occupant purchasers have a priority to purchase until May 8, 2013. Investors may purchase thereafter.
At 801 South St security is important. The residential areas in the tower and the ground floor of the parking garage elevator lobby are accessible only by residents with an authorized electronic key. Visible security and management offices at the entry to the tower lobby together with well lit grounds and walkways contribute to the security of residents and guests.
801 South St is a residential condominium project planned for the corner of South and Kawaiahao Streets on the site adjoining the News Building on Kapiolani Boulevard. All 635 units will be fee simple. The 46-story tower will include a residential unit mix of:
90 – Studios
271 – One bedroom, one bath
46 – Two bedroom, one bath
45 – Two bedroom, one and 1/2 baths
183 – Two bedroom, two baths
The project will also include an 11 story parking garage that will provide 915 parking stalls including 30 guest parking stalls.
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